DataDomain Templates.

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DataDomain Templates.

Post by dionvdc »

After struggling for two weeks to get the SNMP queries running right, I can now share my templates for DataDomain devices with the Cacti community.

The templates will pull data (but not all) concerning
disks, raid, temperatures, power, fans, physical filesystem space, virtual filesystem space, nvram battery.

The templates itself are tested against an DD690 with 2 disk shelves.
And succesfully imported in an test environment.

The cacti hostinfo is as-follows
Cacti Version - 0.8.7e
Plugin Architecture - 2.6
Poller Type - Cactid v
Server Info - Windows NT 5.2
Web Server - Microsoft-IIS/6.0
PHP - 5.2.9-2
PHP Extensions - bcmath, calendar, com_dotnet, ctype, session, filter, ftp, hash, iconv, json, odbc, pcre, Reflection, date, libxml, standard, tokenizer, zlib, SimpleXML, dom, SPL, wddx, xml, xmlreader, xmlwriter, ISAPI, mysql, snmp, sockets, zip, mcrypt, mbstring, bz2, gd
MySQL - 5.1.34-community
RRDTool - 1.2.30
SNMP - e system cannot find the path specified.
  • Host Info (hostinfo - v0.2)
    PHP Network Weathermap (weathermap - v0.97)
    Global Plugin Settings (settings - v0.5)
    Thresholds (thold - v0.4.1)
    Device Monitoring (monitor - v0.8.2)
Attached are the host template with dependencies (to be imported in Cacti) and 9 xml (zipped) files that are needed in the snmp_queries directory.

I also have an replication query, but we haven't implemented that and is untested and lacks data query and templates and thus attached seperatly. For the ones who what's to give it a go.
Import this in cacti
(165.93 KiB) Downloaded 944 times
Unpack and put in snmp_queries directory
(4.89 KiB) Downloaded 743 times
untested and without templates
(5.11 KiB) Downloaded 634 times
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Re: DataDomain Templates.

Post by olourkin »

Thanks for this. I was really not looking forward to having to create the queries myself. Appreciate your taking the time to share it.
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Re: DataDomain Templates.

Post by gassischweiz »

Have you done an update for the ddos 5.2 (5.4) version of the OIDs? They changed a lot after 5.2?
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Re: DataDomain Templates.

Post by vlahti »


I was testing this today but unable to import template to Version 0.8.8a.
No error messages in web browser when importing and didn't find any from cacti.log files either, doesn't mean there isn't any.

Being older I guess I would need to change template file. Anyone been successful using this?

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