How to talk SNMP with 2008 Core Servers

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How to talk SNMP with 2008 Core Servers

Post by paleogryph »

I installed SNMP on two 2008 Core servers via "ocsetup SNMP-SC". Now the services show up. However, the services aren't "traditional" in that there is nowhere to enter community and ip info for Cacti server.

It appears that I needed to import a registry key to HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SYSTEM\CurrentControlSet\Services\SNMP that contains that info. I copied a reg key on a non-Core server that is working with Cacti, and imported it into the two Core servers that aren't.

I still get "SNMP Error" when trying to create the devices in Cacti for these two Core servers?

I have ran sconfig to see if there is anything special for SNMP connectivity outside of the box. I don't see anything special I need to do. And like I said, on my non-Core 2008 servers they work fine.

What is the trick to allow Windows 2008 Server Core to communicate via SNMP to Cacti?

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Post by BSOD2600 »

google is your friend...

* Using SNMP [on Windows 2008 Core]
* Howto Configure SNMP on Windows Server 2008 Core Installation

don't forget about the firewall holes too.
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