I need some gprint tricks about how can I write down my gprint as bold in cacti 0.8.5, Or, How can I modify my gprints as columnar style?
I mean, how can I aligned my gprint(string) in column format.
I read something in rrdtool web page like this :
How can I use these markers in CACTI?String Formatting
The text printed below the actual graph can be formated by appending special escaped characters at the end of a text. When ever such a character occurs, all pending text is pushed onto the graph according to the character specified.
Valid markers are: \j for justified, \l for left aligned, \r for right aligned and \c for centered. In the next section there is an example showing how to use centered formating.
Normally there are two space characters inserted between every two items printed into the graph. The space following a string can be suppressed by putting a \g at the end of the string. The \g also squashes any space inside the string if it is at the very end of the string. This can be used in connection with %s to suppress empty unit strings.
A special case is COMMENT:\s this inserts some additional vertical space before placing the next row of legends.
I mean,forget.. look at the figure. You can understand what I want...