Just an FYI of what I did in linux. Hopefully this will help someone...
this is done from a working directory of /root
(checkout svn)
Code: Select all
svn co svn://svn.cacti.net/cacti_plugins/mactrack
Code: Select all
mv /root/mactrack/trunk /root/macktrack/mactrack
(mv new renamed mactrack dir to plugins directory in cacti)
Code: Select all
mv /root/mactrack/mactrack /var/www/html/plugins/
Code: Select all
chown -R apache:apache /var/www/html/plugins/mactrack
Code: Select all
vi /vaw/www/html/include/global.php
add the line:
$plugins[] = 'mactrack';
under the $plugins = array(); line
(this is Line 44 for me)
Then under Console -> Utilities -> User Management -> click on the user and under the 'realm management tab' make sure they have the mactrack stuff checked off... it should be
Code: Select all
Plugin -> MacTrack Viewer
Plugin -> MacTrack Administrator
Plugin -> MacTrack Security
Go into Console -> configuration ->Settings -> device tracking and setup that stuff...
Update IEEE Vendor MAC/OUI Database going to console -> device tracking -> Tracking Utilities and clicking on Refresh IEEE Vendor MAC/OUI Database
Then go to console -> device tracking -> sites
- create a site
Then go to console -> device tracking -> devices
- create a device
Then go to console -> device tracking -> device types
- create a device type corresponding to the device you just made
if you notice under the device you made, when you click on it, it should show the following info, something like this (this is a foundry superx)
Code: Select all
System: Foundry Networks, Inc. FastIron SuperX, IronWare Version 04.1.00aT3e1 Compiled on May 05 2008 at 21:05:35 labeled as SXL101010
Uptime: 571301900
Hostname: n00bsuperx
ObjectID: .
under device types when you are creating the device you would use (for example)
System Description Match - SuperX
Vendor snmp Object ID Match - .
(notice how we got those from the device output?)
Good luck!