The issue I'm having is that 87d seemed to be a lot faster when it came to polling. I could set the poller to poll every minute and use a 5 minute scheduled task, and it was okay. Now, I need to set the poller to 1 minute polling with a 1 minute scheduled task because I get NaNs, -1s, and empty spots in my graphs.
I've tried some of the optimization stuff, but I saw something in the task manager that has me curious; rrdtool runs for a very long time. I looked at a previous copy I had of my 87d install, and the RRDTool is the same between the two.
I'm at a loss here. Below is a successful poll:
Code: Select all
08/07/2009 09:28:55 AM - SYSTEM STATS: Time:54.2858 Method:spine Processes:1 Threads:15 Hosts:75 HostsPerProcess:75 DataSources:9543 RRDsProcessed:4218
Code: Select all
08/07/2009 09:43:00 AM - POLLER: Poller[0] WARNING: Poller Output Table not Empty. Issues Found: 1890, Data Sources: traffic_in(DS[5227]), traffic_out(DS[5227]), traffic_in(DS[5228]), traffic_out(DS[5228]), traffic_in(DS[5229]), traffic_out(DS[5229]), traffic_in(DS[5230]), traffic_out(DS[5230]), traffic_in(DS[5231]), traffic_out(DS[5231]), traffic_in(DS[5232]), traffic_out(DS[5232]), traffic_in(DS[5233]), traffic_out(DS[5233]), traffic_in(DS[5234]), traffic_out(DS[5234]), traffic_in(DS[5235]), traffic_out(DS[5235]), traffic_in(DS[5236]), traffic_out(DS[5236]), traffic_in(DS[5237]), Additional Issues Remain. Only showing first 20
When I set debugging on, I don't see any errors, just a ton of RRD updates whizzing by.
[edit]I do remember one thing I've changed; the step interval for all my interfaces is at 1 minute instead of every 5 minutes. Might this be causing a drastic slow-down for RRD?
[edit2]Just an FYI that might help people, that was the issue. Trying to keep 1 minute data for 9,000+ interfaces just bogged down a 3GHz Core Duo with 4GB of RAM. Setting the interface heartbeat and step to 300 seconds drastically lowered the polling time from about 108 seconds to around 15 seconds.