Recently, i tried to create a script/code to export data from excel(which is the import of the cacti database) to SQL.
THE PURPOSE IS TO BE ABLE TO CREATE/MODIFY HOST and CACTI GRAPH(unix ping latency) THROUGH EXTERNAL SOURCE(EXCEL DATA(.csv/.xls)) as for the example if you want to add a thousand host for monitoring commonly you will be add that one by one through
the steps is
Now, my concern is what it the data structure that involve while creating all of the step (what tables?what columns?) so that i can export the table to excel and then modify1. create devices
2. create graph for this host
3. choose the graph template you want to use
4. and add the tree if you want to show it
So far in my analysis the table that involved are
sorry for the long post, thanks for your patience to read it. For info, i have create the scripts(PHP) to export from the excel to SQL, anyone who wants to ask about that i will be glad to answer..1. create devices->host
2. create graph for this host ->graph local+host graph
3. choose the graph template you want to use -> host graph
4. add the tree if you want to show it ->graph tree+ graph tree items
Thanks in advance. GOOD LUCK