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History bucket

Post by clauder »

Hi all,

I am new to cacti and search for this but could not find any answer.

Is it possible (and how if it is) to input data to cacti from a source (device or mediation server) that has accumulated time serie data. For example, if a device is able to put the value of a counter in history buckets at regular interval, along with a time stamp, can cacti input this data (and the timestamp)? Another example is the RMON history table.
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Post by gandalf »

Please see 1st link of my sig for principles of operations.
Cacti will "normally" do the polling on its own. But the workaround is described in the docs as well
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Post by clauder »

I looked at the principle of operation but this is still not clear to me. Let me give a more detailed example:

let say I need to poll a counter every 15 min, cacti can be set to go and get the data at 15 min interval. This is fine. But let say that the cacti server is down between 8 o'clock and 11 o'clock and the device is able to store the counter value at the same 15 minute interval. How should the data input method be defined such that when it runs at 11 o'clock and get the data for 0800h, 0815h, 0830h, 0830h, etc. it can return the data and their corresponding time stamp to cacti?
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Post by BSOD2600 »

clauder wrote:How should the data input method be defined such that when it runs at 11 o'clock and get the data for 0800h, 0815h, 0830h, 0830h, etc. it can return the data and their corresponding time stamp to cacti?
Cacti isn't structured to do such a thing. You will have to manually run the correct rrdtool update commands for the correct times... but I believe that if you're trying to insert data into the past (where rrdtool has already filled it in with "U") it won't work either. Worst case, you rrdtool dump, edit in the data into the raw xml and then rrdtool import back to an rrd file. Ugly hack.
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Post by clauder »

Indeed... a hugly hack.

Is there a way to know the RRDTool file name structure as used by cacti? Is it documented? What I mean here is if I am to go directly at the file I need to know which one is of interest; I am sure cacti uses at least 1 file per device and potentially more....,
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Post by BSOD2600 »

1 file per data source. Look in the data sources to find out the path and file cacti uses. I'd also suggest you turn on the Structured RRA Path feature (settings -> paths).
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Post by clauder »

I do not find the Structured RRA option in my installation. I have 0.8.7b, is this a new option?

Also, is there release notes? All I can see are the official patches.
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Post by BSOD2600 »

clauder wrote:I do not find the Structured RRA option in my installation. I have 0.8.7b, is this a new option?

Also, is there release notes? All I can see are the official patches.
Yes, new as of 0.8.7d (0.8.7e is the latest though).

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