1. install debian 5 from netinstall with ssh and patch.
2. install apache2
3. install php5 php5-gd
4. install mysql-server
5. install php5-mysql
6. install phpmyadmin
7. apt-get install cacti-server without config.
8. delete the cacti folder( /usr/share/cacti).
9. extr the 0.8.7d to /usr/share/cacti.
10. use the phpmyadmin to create the cacti-user and cacti-db.
11. import the 0.8.7d.sql to the db.
12. improt the pa.sql to the db.
13. patch the PA to cacti.( ... 5a4#158251)
14. modify the global.php to fix the cacti path.
[HOW-TO] Install cacti 0.8.7d on debian 5.
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