I have a little problem with the boost plugin.
The problem is that when i open a graph, and stay on it's page, the graph stops being updated. Something like the attached graph. All the gaps there are from when someone had stayed on the page...
As you can see the graphs aren't being updated even after major boost updates...
I tried to flush the tmp directory, but no luck...
This is my last poller stats:
Code: Select all
02/27/2009 09:33:29 PM - SYSTEM STATS: Time:27.9893 Method:spine Processes:4 Threads:10 Hosts:1466 HostsPerProcess:367 DataSources:84348 RRDsProcessed:0
Image caching and Enable On Demand RRD Updating are on.
The specs of the machine are:
CPU: Core2Duo E8600
HDD: 2xWDC WD1500HLFS @10k RPM in RAID
mysql max heap size is 4g - maximum 1g is used for now.
Memory Limit for Boost and Poller is 2g - peak is 43mb.