I've tested these on 0.8.6, they should work on any future releases that don't change the db schema too severely. If you're using them, please check the changelist before continuing to use them after a new cacti release. The data script will just error out if there's something changed.. But the aggregate graph tool MAY do horrible things if the database has changed too much.
I recommend editing the scripts and setting the db connection defaults to something appropriate for your network. The aggregate graph tool needs read, write, and delete privileges. The data extraction tool just needs read access to the database and the rrd files.
With the aggregate graph tool, you WILL need to add a CDEF called
Code: Select all
Total Similar Data Sources
Code: Select all
Item #1: Special Data Source: SIMILAR_DATA_SOURCES_NODUPS
Code: Select all
cacti_aggr_graph.py --autoupdate
If you add or remove hosts from your clusters, the aggregate graphs will be updated when the crontab runs. You could, if you wanted make an aggregate graph including everything in your cacti instance, but I wouldn't recommend that unless you don't have much data in your system. I've tested it with graphs of over 200 line items.
I store the data on how to recreate the graph, in the title field, in the db. The displayed title on the graph is from the title_cache field. The easiest way to retitle your graphs if you need to title them something a bit clearer, is the --title option.
Please use with care. Apologies for it not being a plugin, I work best in python these days. Full permission is given for anyone to take the code logic and convert to php, especially if you can figure out how to turn the auto-update part into a cacti plugin.