High Bandwidth Graph - Graph Issue

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High Bandwidth Graph - Graph Issue

Post by ben_2007 »


I have an issue graphing high bandwidth links utilization. It seems that for the bandwidth data, a counter goes back to zero showing incoherencies in the bandwidth graph. As you can see in the graph below, for traffic upper to 114M bits per second, the graphed value is reset to 0 and does not show anymore the real traffic value.

In my opinion, it's an issue regarding the definition of a cacti data which is (for example) coded on 16 bits where it should be coded on 32 bits or 64 bits. Does any one of you already had the issue and how to fix it?

Many Thanks,
gigabit interface traffic goes back to 0
gigabit interface traffic goes back to 0
cacti issue.JPG (30.48 KiB) Viewed 857 times
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Post by gandalf »

Sure. It's sticky.
Please use 64 bit counters as you already suggested. There's a special graph template for using 64 bit counters
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Post by stack »

I had the same this problem too and 64 bit counters fixed it but...I wanted to have Total In and Total Out shown on the graph too since it's not shown by default. I've duplicated this template and added manually Total In and Total Out.
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