Display non-bandwidth stats

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Display non-bandwidth stats

Post by Arron »

I'm new to phpweathermap so please don't flame if this is a stupid question. I've already searched the forums and tried to go-it alone but haven't had much luck so i'm posting here. I'm trying to create a single weathermap that displays both link status (bandwidth usage) and other stats such as current connections. I have the bandwidth part working fine, but when I tried to add the current connections stat the cacti log is displaying the following:

Code: Select all

10/09/2008 10:49:08 AM - WEATHERMAP: Poller[0] [Map 9] My Network: ReadData: LINK Intranet-HQLTM, target: /var/www/html/rra/hq_ltm_1_vsconnections_195.rrd:VsConnections:LAST on config line 133 had no valid data, according to WeatherMapDataSource_rrd
I verified that the graph is working fine and I can see connections so I'm not sure why it doesn't work. Here is part of the code that I'm working with:

Code: Select all

SCALE cactiConnection 0 0   255 255 255  
SCALE cactiConnection 0 10   140 0 255  
SCALE cactiConnection 10 25   32 32 255  
SCALE cactiConnection 25 40   0 192 255  
SCALE cactiConnection 40 55   0 240 0  
SCALE cactiConnection 55 70   240 240 0  
SCALE cactiConnection 70 85   255 192 0  
SCALE cactiConnection 85 100   255 0 0 

	USESCALE cactiConnection
	INFOURL /graph.php?rra_id=all&local_graph_id=177
	OVERLIBGRAPH /graph_image.php?local_graph_id=177&rra_id=0&graph_nolegend=true&graph_height=100&graph_width=300
	TARGET /var/www/html/rra/hq_ltm_1_vsconnections_195.rrd:VsConnections:LAST
Any help would be great.

Thanks in advance
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Post by Howie »

You should have gotten another line that says something like:

"Neither of your DS names (VsConnections & LAST) were found, even though there was a valid data line."

this article might help you out here

(short version: the LAST is probably wrong)
Weathermap 0.98a is out! & QuickTree 1.0. Superlinks is over there now (and built-in to Cacti 1.x).
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Post by Arron »

Ah ok I see the problem. I had :LAST which it didn't like. I removed this and now get:

Code: Select all

10/09/2008 12:06:07 PM - WEATHERMAP: Poller[0] [Map 9] My Network: ReadData: LINK Intranet-HQLTM, target: gauge:/var/www/html/rra/hq_ltm_1_vsconnections_195.rrd:VsTotConnections:- on config line 133 had no valid data, according to WeatherMapDataSource_rrd
Just updated... found I was missing ":-" at the end of the line if you only have one counter. It's still not polling the data though.
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Post by Howie »

Then turn on DEBUG logging in Cacti, and you should get more info from the ReadData part of Weathermap. It will show you what data it is getting from the rrd files, which hopefully will show up whatever is causing the problem...

make sure to turn it back to LOW logging after a cycle or two though, or your logfile will fill up quickly.
Weathermap 0.98a is out! & QuickTree 1.0. Superlinks is over there now (and built-in to Cacti 1.x).
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Post by Arron »

OK So I think I got it working now thanks to your help. One odd thing that I'm still running into is it's displaying the current connections with a decimal point which it shouldn't (how do you have .1666562 of a connection?!?) In addition, is there a way to change the scale from being a percentage to a fixed number?
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Post by Howie »

RRDtool averages data over time, so you can get an average which is decimal...

You can format the number to only show an integer though... where is this number appearing? (link comment, link bandwidth, node label?)

Scales are always in percentage for now - this is due to weathermap's roots with bandwidth.
Weathermap 0.98a is out! & QuickTree 1.0. Superlinks is over there now (and built-in to Cacti 1.x).
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Post by Arron »

Thats what I was thinking too, but what was confusing was when I look at the graph it's showing a whole number not an integer. Maybe the graph is already rounding the number? I have the number showing up as a link bandwidth.
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Post by Howie »

Arron wrote:Thats what I was thinking too, but what was confusing was when I look at the graph it's showing a whole number not an integer. Maybe the graph is already rounding the number? I have the number showing up as a link bandwidth.
OK, so you need to add

Code: Select all

INBWFORMAT {link:this:bandwidth_in:%d}
OUTBWFORMAT {link:this:bandwidth_out:%d}
to either the specific link or the DEFAULT link, depending on if you want to affect all of them or not.

The %d is the important bit, which forces it to be an integer.
Weathermap 0.98a is out! & QuickTree 1.0. Superlinks is over there now (and built-in to Cacti 1.x).
Some Other Cacti tweaks, including strip-graphs, icons and snmp/netflow stuff.
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Post by Arron »

[edit] Worked! Thanks SO much for all your help!
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