I've discovered Cacti and I am going "what else can I think to graph" crazy. I am confused as to why one method of Data Input works while another doesn't. Perhaps someone can enlighten me. Keep in mind that there may be a much better way to do this, i.e. SNMP Indexed queries, etc. I don't understand the use and building of the XML files yet, so I'm starting out with the basics. But I believe that they can be a powerful and flexible method to use. Anyway, my problem:
OS: FreeBSD 7
Apache 2.2.9
Cacti 8.6.? Not sure how to locate
Spine: Y cactid
MySQL: 4.1.22
PHP: 5.2.1 Zend Eng. 2.2.0
RRDTool 1.2
Plugin Architecture: None
I have a perl script that returns a set of data. Below: (Run as cacti)
Code: Select all
$ /usr/local/bin/perl /usr/local/share/cacti/scripts/apc_ups_status.pl --community-- --host--
status:2 cap:100 temp:26 volt:121 freq:60 load:50 in_line_volt:121 in_min_volt:118 in_max_volt:123 batvolt:27
Code: Select all
10/05/2008 10:40:09 PM - CACTID: Poller[0] Host[201] DS[2060] SCRIPT: /usr/local/bin/perl /usr/local/share/cacti/scripts/apc_ups_status.pl, output: U
As you can see I get the information I want when run from the command line. I tried this script method with another graph project and ended up creating two separate Get SNMP Data input methods. This graph has a number of data inputs and I don't know of another way other than a separate Get SNMP Data for each data input. My attempt before to have multiple "tabs" data inputs I found that I could not have different OID's. Each time I changed the OID on one tab/data input, it changed it for all the tabs. No doubt I'm missing both knowledge and experience with Cacti. Can you nice folks steer me in the right direction?
I have put together a set of graphs for our MailFoundy Spam Appliance which I used a simple LWP method. And I've put together some weather graphs. I want to post them on this forum but thought I would get a bit more proficient and perhaps find that I need to clean them up before posting. Anyway, any help you can direct this way would be greatly appreciated. Thanks all.