Linux CBWFQ Script with OID Caching Help

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Linux CBWFQ Script with OID Caching Help

Post by bfox »

Hi All,

I was just wondering if there are any Linux scripts for a CBWFQ poller that uses caching of the OIDs or at least one that is quick enough not to take 20 - 30 seconds per device to get the data. I ask this as i am currently monitoring over 800 devices which are being polled every 5 mins and each device has multiple interfaces

With the scripts I have found so far each device is taking 30 seconds to reply with the data and as these is happening for all the devices the job's not going to be complete before the next cycle.

In my research i have found two perl based scripts for CBWGQ; one written by Paul Wozney and later modified by Nitzan Tzelniker and the second written by Erwin Herzog

Although both these scripts would be fine in a smaller environment because of the above design flaws I am getting holes in my graphs where there is no data.

I did find a CBWFQ poller that was written for Windows in VB which would be perfect for my purpose but unfortuantly as we're running CentOS I cannot use it.
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