I've configured it to grab from ., but the graph itself isn't showing any data. All of the other canned gathering components (interface stats, disk stats, etc) work fine.
Turning on debugging and monitoring the poller (once I moved to spine, I was actually able to get some decent debug output) showed:
Code: Select all
08/27/2008 03:20:02 PM - SPINE: Poller[0] Host[2] DS[20] SNMP: v1: myhost.mydomain.net, dsname: snmp_oid, oid: ., value: 287
Code: Select all
INSERT INTO poller_output (local_data_id, rrd_name, time, output) VALUES (8,'cpu_nice','2008-08-27 15:20:02','23871'),(9,'cpu_system','2008-08-27 15:20:02','24026393'),(10,'cpu_user','2008-08-27 15:20:02','14642524'),(11,'load_1min','2008-08-27 15:20:02','0.17'),(12,'load_15min','2008-08-27 15:20:02','0.21'),(13,'load_5min','2008-08-27 15:20:02','0.18'),(14,'mem_buffers','2008-08-27 15:20:02','317872'),(15,'mem_cache','2008-08-27 15:20:02','5558024'),(16,'mem_free','2008-08-27 15:20:02','5473048'),(17,'traffic_out','2008-08-27 15:20:02','783400470'),(17,'traffic_in','2008-08-27 15:20:02','1921543197'),(18,'hdd_used','2008-08-27 15:20:02','45907872'),(18,'hdd_free','2008-08-27 15:20:02','16608456'),(19,'hdd_used','2008-08-27 15:20:02','60526260'),(19,'hdd_free','2008-08-27 15:20:02','206401720'),(20,'snmp_oid','2008-08-27 15:20:02','287')
Code: Select all
08/27/2008 03:20:03 PM - POLLER: Poller[0] CACTI2RRD: /usr/bin/rrdtool update /var/www/html/cacti.mydomain.net/cacti-0.8.7b/rra/test_snmp_oid_20.rrd --template snmp_oid 1219864802:287
Code: Select all
rrdtool dump medical_manager_snmp_oid_20.rrd | more
<!-- Round Robin Database Dump --><rrd> <version> 0003 </version>
<step> 300 </step> <!-- Seconds -->
<lastupdate> 1219866001 </lastupdate> <!-- 2008-08-27 15:40:01 EDT -->
<name> snmp_oid </name>
<type> GAUGE </type>
<minimal_heartbeat> 600 </minimal_heartbeat>
<min> 0.0000000000e+00 </min>
<max> 1.0000000000e+02 </max>
<!-- PDP Status -->
<last_ds> 287 </last_ds>
<value> NaN </value>
<unknown_sec> 1 </unknown_sec>
<!-- Round Robin Archives --> <rra>
<cf> AVERAGE </cf>
<pdp_per_row> 1 </pdp_per_row> <!-- 300 seconds -->
<xff> 5.0000000000e-01 </xff>
<primary_value> NaN </primary_value>
<secondary_value> NaN </secondary_value>
<value> NaN </value>
<unknown_datapoints> 0 </unknown_datapoints>
<!-- 2008-08-25 13:45:00 EDT / 1219686300 --> <row><v> NaN </v></row>
<!-- 2008-08-25 13:50:00 EDT / 1219686600 --> <row><v> NaN </v></row>
<!-- 2008-08-25 13:55:00 EDT / 1219686900 --> <row><v> NaN </v></row>
So I know it is getting the data, and it looks like it is putting it in to the RRD file once (overwriting the "last_ds" value each time), but that's it.. the rest is getting dropped to the floor. And the sql query looks right, but it isn't getting entered.
I've checked the sql query, and that (as the cacti user) works. At this point, I'm thinking I am missing a step or something along the way here..