cmd.php parsing errors

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Xavier Rodriguez

cmd.php parsing errors

Post by Xavier Rodriguez »


I have just installed Cacti on a Linux RH 6.1 / PHP 4.04 / MySQL Ver 9.36 Distrib 3.23

I have double-checked install instructions, but when I (or cron) execute

php <my_path>/cmd.php

It says:

shell: ./php /home/httpd/html/cacti/cmd.php
X-Powered-By: PHP/4.0.4pl1
ERROR: can't parse argument 'RRA:AVERAGE:0.5'
Content-type: text/html

ERROR: opening '/home/httpd/html/cacti/rra/system_users.rrd': No such file or directory
ERROR: can't parse argument 'RRA:AVERAGE:0.5'
ERROR: opening '/home/httpd/html/cacti/rra/ping_uunet_phi.rrd': No such file or directory
ERROR: can't parse argument 'RRA:AVERAGE:0.5'

Any advice?

Thank you in advance
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Location: Carlisle, PA

Post by raX »

It seems as if your 'rrd_rra' table does not contain correct data. Try emptying your 'rrd_rra' table and running the following MySQL queries on the cacti database:

INSERT INTO rrd_rra VALUES (1, 'Daily (5 Minute Average)', '0.5', 1, 600);
INSERT INTO rrd_rra VALUES (2, 'Weekly (30 Minute Average)', '0.5', 6, 700);
INSERT INTO rrd_rra VALUES (4, 'Yearly (1 Day Average)', '0.5', 288, 797);
INSERT INTO rrd_rra VALUES (3, 'Monthly (2 Hour Average)', '0.5', 24, 775);

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