I noticed this morning that there was a HUGE spike on all of my traffic graphs for some 15 routers. The spike occurred at the exact same time and appeared to be the same amount - approximately 113Mb/s. This is far beyond what any of these interfaces are capable of - they are all T1 interfaces.
Looking through the cacti logs I see a common issue across all the devices at the same time. I have a 5 minute cron setup and the following are the in/out bits I get surrounding the spike (for one example):
10:45 traffic_in:traffic_out N:1048317276:4175611712
10:48 traffic_in:traffic_out N:971795743:3964611893
10:50 traffic_in:traffic_out N:1053348718:4184917139
That small dip seems to be pretty clearly the reason for the spike, but I have no idea why this would have happened. Why would cmd.php even have run at this time with a 5 minute cron? Why would the values returned have been lower than the previous query?
If anyone can give me some ideas about where to go with this that would be great. I don't have any idea where to start looking for reasons.
I'm running cacti 0.8.4 - the devices being queried are Cisco & netopia routers.
Thanks in advance.
strange dip in in/out bits for router interfaces
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The only thing that comes into my mind is some older cmd.php process that hanged for longer period of time and then it returned "old" data to rrd files. Since cacti does not support timestamps when updating rrd files the "old" data were not dropped.
The other thing is you should have configured proper "maximum value" in DS settings - that would avoid spikes in most of cases.
- Piotr
The other thing is you should have configured proper "maximum value" in DS settings - that would avoid spikes in most of cases.
- Piotr
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