I have been struggling with this for awhile now, the CDEF fix works some of the time. but if you calc alot of they are very inconsistent..
So I took a patch from a couple people finagled around and edited it and have it working consistently.
Here are my files, working with cacti 8.7b
Remember to recreate the datasources for disk space on all your current hosts that use this,
Most importantly, this includes re-querying the "Associated Data Query" for the device!
After you install these files you will see this in you cacti.log
/09/2008 01:44:18 PM - CMDPHP: Poller[0] Host[6] DS[585] SERVER: /usr/local/cacti/scripts/ss_host_disk.php ss_host_disk 6 1:161:500:XXXXXXXXX:::MD5::DES: get total 4, output: 18656718848
07/09/2008 01:44:18 PM - CMDPHP: Poller[0] Host[6] DS[585] SERVER: /usr/local/cacti/scripts/ss_host_disk.php ss_host_disk 6 1:161:500:XXXXXXXXX:::MD5::DES: get used 4, output: 2781540352
07/09/2008 01:44:18 PM - CMDPHP: Poller[0] Host[6] DS[585] SERVER: /usr/local/cacti/scripts/ss_host_disk.php ss_host_disk 6 1:161:500:XXXXXXXXX:::MD5::DES: get percent 4, output: 14.91
quote]Cacti Version - 0.8.7b
Plugin Architecture - 2.1
Poller Type - CMD.php
Server Info - Linux 2.6.18-53.1.21.el5
Web Server - Apache/2.2.3 (CentOS)
PHP - 5.1.6
PHP Extensions - libxml, xml, wddx, tokenizer, sysvshm, sysvsem, sysvmsg, standard, SimpleXML, sockets, SPL, shmop, session, Reflection, pspell, posix, mime_magic, iconv, hash, gmp, gettext, ftp, exif, date, curl, ctype, calendar, bz2, zlib, pcre, openssl, apache2handler, mysql, mysqli, PDO, pdo_mysql, pdo_sqlite, snmp
MySQL - 5.0.22
RRDTool - 1.2.23
SNMP - 5.3.1
- Change password (passwd - v0.1)
Global Plugin Settings (settings - v0.5)
Documents (docs - v0.1)
Update Checker (update - v0.4)
Network Tools (tools - v0.3)
Host Info (hostinfo - v0.2)
Status: Read-only Devices Tab (status - v0.1)
Cycle Graphs (Cycle Graphs - v0.5)
NTop Viewer (ntop - v0.1)
Thresholds (thold - v0.3.9)
Device Monitoring (monitor - v0.8.2)
Uptime (uptime - v0.3)
Cacti-ReportIt (reportit - v0.6.1)
Here are the files in the zip with readme as to where they go. Hope it helps trying the other way was annoying the crap out of me.