
General discussion about Plugins for Cacti

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Post by marciab »


I just installed CactiEZ and it is working great. My question is about the plugins. They all look great but I can't get any of them to work. For instance, Thold, I found instructions that said just throw it in the plugin directory. It's in there already. The directions say to edit include/config.php and add it to your $plugins list. Using the Webmin that came along with CactiEZ, I found my includes at:
/var/www/hhtml/inclue. In the config.php none of the plugins are listed. Do I have to add them all there? If so, how. If not, am I not looking in the right place?
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Post by chrisgapske »

edit global.php new version documentation needs updating.

Also make sure in the user management that you are allowed to see the plugins.
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Post by marciab »

I checked in the global.php and all the plugins are in there. In the user management, all the plugins are checked.
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Post by chrisgapske »

Can you give pictures and include a pic of your ( Or File) of your global.php?
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Post by marciab »

I'm not sure what you mean by (Or file). I've attatched the pics
for Cacti.doc
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Post by chrisgapske »

marciab wrote:I'm not sure what you mean by (Or file). I've attatched the pics
It is better to post the picture file on the forum rather than in docs.

It looks correct I will have to wait until monday to compare with that I have at the office.
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Post by noflies »

marciab -- Assuming you are running Cacti 0.8.7 (a or b) and probably CactiEZ version 0.4?? Your $plugins array should only be configured in the global.php. If the declaration appears again in config.php it is probably being overwritten. Also check the array appears only once in global.php.

I suspect something else was changed. Jimmy (CactiEZ creator) does a great job in pre-configuring everything to work out of the really no confguration changes were necessary to begin with. Once you loaded CactiEZ, login to the Cacti application with the admin account (and it automatically forces you to change the password) the plugins should have appeared as the tabs.

You should be aware that not all plugins show as tabs or console (left-hand navigation menu) entries.
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Post by marciab »

Yes, I'm running 8.7 and CactiEZ 0.4. The plugin array is in the global.php and not in the config.php. I do have the plugins as tabs on the top of the console as well as on the left hand side.
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Post by noflies »

OK, so do you see the thold or thrshold tab at the top?
Maybe I misunderstood your original post...if you can see the plugin tabs, then the plugin architecture (PIA) and the plugins are probably installed correctly (which is expected with CactiEZ). So you'll need to follow the thold directions beginning with "using", not "installing". Please post a more specific question if necessary.
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Post by marciab »

Can you give me a link?
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