I've been asked to produce stats for box useage for certain days/weeks (ie peak usage times). I guess the easiest way to explain what we are trying to achieve is, we want the ability to compare 2 weeks worth of data side by side.
I presume the rrdtool graph --start and end switches can be used to output a png from a set time.
Is there an easy way to add this kind of control to cacti?
Also am I right in thinking the best way to represent data with different scales on the same graph to greate a cdef to normalise the information?
thanks in advance
Custom Graphs
Moderators: Developers, Moderators
Yes, you can use the rrdtool options start and end (in seconds). Take a peak at the source on your cacti/rrdtool graphs. Lots of documentation on www.rrdtool.org http://people.ee.ethz.ch/~oetiker/webto ... graph.html
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