Graph Tree Lost all Entries

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Graph Tree Lost all Entries

Post by lmgoodbu »

I am still not sure what happened, but while adding an entry into the graph tree, something "hiccupped" in Cacti and now all of our entries are gone from the Graph Tree.

The strange thing is that when you look at the Cacti database, the Graph_Tree and Graph_Tree_Items tables still look okay. But that data is not displayed in the webpages.

Has anyone had this happen before? Does anyone know how to fix this issue.

If we had a small number of devices we would simply purge the tables and start over but we have a fairly complex setup for the graph tree. So it would take us the better part of an entire week to put the graph tree back to the way it was.

Thank you.
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Location: Charlotte, NC

Order Key

Post by lmgoodbu »

I have determined that what somehow happened is that the Order_Key field for the entries in the graph_tree_items table has become corrupt.

Does anyone know a way to "fix" the order key field?

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did you ever get this resolved

Post by mofekka »

The same thing has happened to our Catci graph tree.
What was the fix
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