How to adjust Cacti to suits your Needs

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How to adjust Cacti to suits your Needs

Post by krap_rz »

Hi all,

after sometime using the cacti (a briliant software!!!) and showed to my fellow superiors, they seem to take an interest and since its free (GPL) they requested me to add some company's logo here and there...

To mod, dev and all cacti-users, please allow me to put thread on changing cacti software to suits each individual needs. If it seems to be a nuisance or disrespect to dev, apologize and can delete this thread. :cry: I hope not...

To all cacti hackers, modifiers and etc. (including developers)... if you guys have any ideas on how to mod cacti; please continue this thread for others to read and impresses their bosses and customers.

Just my two cents contribution. :wink:
Last edited by krap_rz on Thu Oct 18, 2007 3:56 am, edited 1 time in total.
KeyBoarD Is MightieR ThaN ThE sWorD, iF onLy ConNecTed tO tHe InTernET..
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Post by krap_rz »

Hi guys,

How to place favourite.ico into your cacti address

Just a simple procedure to follow.

1) open the following link to create your favourite.ico file
you can also use different web, just google "favourite.ico"

download the favicon file, then extract the favourite.ico to your cacti folder or /cacti/images

2) browse and open "top_graph_header.php" and "top_graph.php" files.
search the lines for "...include/main.css" rel="stylesheet">" Then put the following line <link href="/favicon.ico" rel="shortcut icon" > or use /images/favicon.ico (depends on your .ico placement.)

make sure your coding correct, and placed accordingly (tab buttons or next line) just place []<link href="/favicon.ico" rel="shortcut icon"[] before and after the line.

then make sure your favicon.ico have the necessary read and write access.

3) When finished, try to restart your webserver, then you pc/laptop browser. Make sure you clear browsing history/cache/session.

Just try to read from any web design, and adjust within the <head>...</head> in html or in cacti case; after "...include/main.css" rel="stylesheet">"
favicon.ico creation
favicon.ico creation
favicon.JPG (35.16 KiB) Viewed 1959 times
KeyBoarD Is MightieR ThaN ThE sWorD, iF onLy ConNecTed tO tHe InTernET..
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