Auto graph addition to tree using Graph Template

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Auto graph addition to tree using Graph Template

Post by farukg »


It would be very useful if graph templates had a section where we can specify a place on the tree to put the graph into, upon graph creation. Let's call this "Tree Location". Tree Location would be similar to the Title text field where |host_*| & |query_*| variables are available.
A delimiter such as '/' or '--' could be used to specify tree propagation. If a tree or subtree specified does not exist, one would be created. Default entry would be blank, which would mimic current behaviour.

For example, if polling a router for interface stats I could tell the graph template to automatically put this graph into a tree that looks like this:

default tree/|host_description|/|query_Nif|

If I have 5 graphs per interface and 40 interfaces on the router/switch, organizing these graphs in the tree would be done automatically upon graph creation. If I wanted all BW usage graphs under one subtree I could specify something like this:

default tree/|host_description|/BW usage

This greatly aids in changing environments where new interfaces, servers, routers (or anything else monitored) are added.

It is so much easier to delete graphs & subtrees (and recreate them if above solution is present) in case there are typo errors in the graph template, then it is to place graphs into trees manually.

Sorry if this is a duplicate, found some similar requests but nothing this specific.

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