Could someone please explain?

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Could someone please explain?

Post by Conzales »

Hi, i'm new to cacti and this forum, so please treat me as a newbie ;)

I have some problems with cacti that i'm trying to solve. But because it is not clear to me how cacti precisely works, i can't solve them.

Could someone explain to me how rrdtool, net-snmp, poller.php and cacti relate to each other?

The problem i have is that cacti/rrdtool created some rrd files in the cacti/rra dir. However it didn't creatie al the rrd files i need for my 'Data Sources' from the 'Management' section in cacti. If i new more about cacti i can explain it better and maybe find an answer.

Thanks in advance,

b.t.w. I recently installed cacti on FreeBSD 6.2
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Post by BSOD2600 »

Cacti is a PHP front end for rrdtool. Cacti stores info about how to collect data, arrange the graphs, etc in its MySQL database. The data Cacti collects from the network/scripts/etc are stored using rrdtool, in its *.rrd files. Rrdtool also creates the actual graphs you see. Poller.php is the front end of the polling engine for cmd.php/cactid pollers. Net-snmp is required on linux boxes to do the actual snmp data collection from devices.

If thats clear as mud, then someone else I'm sure can do a better job explaining how it all works ;-).

What are you trying to accomplish?
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Post by gandalf »

I'd like to recommend reading first link of my signature. And please ask, if you're missing sth
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