I have installd thold, settings and Architecture.
when I go tho treshld i get this error on the top:
Last Poll: Poller has not yet ran!
when i run the cacti poller I get some off these errors:
# php /var/www/html/cacti/poller.php
PHP Notice: Undefined variable: remainder in /var/www/html/cacti/lib/poller.php on line 224
In the poller.php on line 224:
Code: Select all
rule 221 /* let's count the number of rrd files we processed */
rule 222 $rrds_processed = 0;
rule 223
rule 224 if ($remainder) {
rule 225 $limit = "";
rule 226 }else{
rule 227 $limit = "LIMIT 10000";
rule 228 }
the poller error becomes after I installed the Architecture script.
If I copy manualy the files on the easy way to the cacti server the cron gives a lot of more errors and the stats will not updating anymore.
thats wy i used the patch methode on: http://cactiusers.org/wiki/PluginArchitectureInstall
I just:
Cacti 0.8.6j
Architecture 1.1
settings 0.2
has anywone a soulotion?
P.S, the stats off cacti updated normaly.[/code]