data comes, but graphics are blank

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Post by chemichon »

Hi Folks,

When I go to the cron printout, and click on show output, things apper nice.

I cant figure why, but my graphics are all blank.

What may it be?

Thank you, chemichon.
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Post by ross »

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Post by chemichon »

thanks ross
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I'm having a similar problem

Post by cdukes »

I have tried the solutions in the links below, but neither work.
I have set up a graph for Disk Space, it measures free and used space.
The data is in the graph at the bottom (ie: Available 2003928, Used: 1928303, etc.), but the lines in the graph itself are blank.

I have applied the new cmd.php file from the link below, I have also added /bin/bash -c to my script as suggested below, neither fix the problem. I get the same result whether I run from command line or from cron, both have data, ie:

03/26/2002 3:00 PM - CMD: /usr/local/rrdtool/bin/rrdtool update /usr/local/apache/ --template available:used

What have I done wrong?

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[RE]: data comes, but graphics are blank

Post by karlh »

Are you sure you did a "chown -R apache:apache rra/" ?
Best regards
Karl Heidar

Post by Guest »

Under "Data Sources" make sure you have a number defined in the "Maximum Value" field. That one kicked my butt for a few weeks...

Same problem

Post by SoundFX »

I'm actually having the same problem. When I check the cron output, all that should show up, does. However the graphs are not getting drawn. I'm running Solaris 8 x86 if that helps any.
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Re: Same problem

Post by SoundFX »

I should also mention that this is on all my graphs, not just a selected few. Oh, one more thing, on some of the graphs it will actually show what the count is, but not draw at all. For example, on my load_average graph, it will show .12 .10 .9, but no pretty lines come up :) Alos, on my webhits one (for example) I notice that it shows NaN as my values. However when I check 'cron output', it will show the actual number. Any ideas?

SoundFX wrote:I'm actually having the same problem. When I check the cron output, all that should show up, does. However the graphs are not getting drawn. I'm running Solaris 8 x86 if that helps any.
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Post by paulsen »

Count me in on this problem, same thing here :( All permissions etc is right, just one of my graphs wont draw.. I know that the info is getting to it because I can make line's who outputs the value in text in the graph.
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Post by raX »

A few things:

Make sure your entry in crontab is working correctly, it should look like the following:

*/5 * * * * cactiuser php /var/www/html/cacti/cmd.php > /dev/null 2>&1

Where cactiuser is the unix-username to run cacti as. This is the user that must have right access to both the 'rra/' and 'log/' subdirectories.

Also, when in doubt I 'su' to the user I run the crontab as at the command line. I then manually execute one of the 'update' commands (from the log file) to see if rrdtool complains. Often it will reveal something that you simply overlooked.

Hope this helps everyone having this problem...

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still no graphs:(

Post by barzog »

I've tried all the above and on one of my graphics there is still no data:(
In log files I see following:
04/17/2002 10:55 AM - CMD: /usr/local/bin/rrdtool create /usr/local/www/data/cacti/rra/albatros-var.rrd \
DS:albatros-var:ABSOLUTE:600:0:1000 \
It seems that not all cmd string passed to create logged, there is no RRA part. Why?

PS: Why I can't enter "U" value in max value field?

Same problem

Post by khemir »

I have the seme problem when i try get this OID
decadente# snmpget mantra public .
host.hrStorage.hrStorageTable.hrStorageEntry.hrStorageSize.2 = 1813798

And that ok... then i create DS... after five minutes i see:

5/03/2002 7:15 PM - CMD: /usr/local/bin/rrdtool update /usr/local/web/htdocs/cacti/rra/mantra_hd.rrd --template mantra_hd N:1813798

The problem is the graphic is empty.... :(

Any idea...??

Post by Guest »

Choose a CDEF - "make per 5 minutes". It worked for me...
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General Things to watch out for in blank graphs

Post by integr8er »

I have been working full time for about 2 months now and I think I can offer a few tips in re of blank graphs. There are TWO primary reasons for missing data.

I'm using the 0.6.7 version. This is being implemented in a large bank on a very significant scale.

I have implemented a wrapper script in perl that is executed from cron that allows me to specify in the cron based command line the particular instance of cacti that the execution should apply to. This is because I have 16 individual cacti web sites. Each site is targeted to some sort of business application that covers all the machines under that grouping. Anyway, the wrapper script executes the php cmd.php script and directs the stdout/stderr to the groups desired log directory. More importantly, the perl script allows me to affect the environment as and if needed to make things work. For example, it is very important that the PATH variable is set to find all the commands that your data collection programs will need. Thus, PATH is the 1st key thing to ensure is correct. You can mess with cron default environments or use a wrapper like I have.

BTW - the other main reason I use the wrapper is to get parrallel execution of each cacti instance due to scalability reasons. But it's also organizational. Even if I could do it all with high performance from a single instance, the number of graphs in a single web site instance would be totally overwhelming.

Oh - ensure that the user account that you are running your data collection commands under is added to the necessary groups to allow the command to run. For example, to execute the netstat command on sun you either need to be root or some user that belongs to the group SYS. Otherwise, you'll get back no data at all.....

Second, I've on some occasions had created a datasource and did not set the MAXIMUM until after the rrd file was created. I chase this problem down with varying amounts of time and hassle. I sometimes find that even after changing the MAXIMUM in one or more sub items and or in the top data source definition, AND I check the BOX to UPDATE/TUNE the RRD file that the new MAX does not take affect. I've not tried yet to determine if this is a CACTI Bug or an RRDTOOL bug. I have had some success in manually executing an rrdtool TUNE command to manually reset the MAX value for dataset fields that were messed up. Other times, I just fix the max values in the cacti dataset entries and just delete the rrd datafile. At the next poll interval cacti will just create the rrd file with the new and correct values. THis works during initial setup, but if I needed to keep the database I would work on manual rrdtool tune commands to fix it. Thus the second most important thing is to set the MAX value right away. I've not seen yet the full reasoning for the max value. I could see that sometimes a value that exceeds a threshold should be disallowed in the database, but most of the time I set the max value to 1000000000 so it does not get in my way. Anybody have some good reasoning on this value, please share your experience. Oh, usually when this kind of problem occurs, I see the rrd.log file shows rrdtool update commands with values, but the graph is blank and an rrdtool dump shows empty values - thus, the max value was blocking the data from being inserted into the database.

I also find that when making a script that collects some data, youshould have the script send the result to stdout (duh!), but do not terminate the line with a newline. Seems the newline will carry into your log files and leave them a bit messy. I also slightly changed the logging functions in cacti to remove all the repetitive crap from the beginning of each update command. The log files grow rather large and the lines are really long. I'm mainly interested in seeing that it is an update or create or tune and the time stamp and the data passed to the rrdtool command. I do not need to see thousands of rrdtool commands repeated in the log file entries. - Ok, so this was off topic, but something I've done to help make cacti life a bit better.

Thanks, Good luck

Post by Guest »

One more thing that's easy to overlook is the path setting in /etc/crontab.

When I installed PHP from source it didn't install the PHP binary file into any of the paths listed in /etc/crontab. I would manually run cmd.php and it ran fine, thus creating the first instance of data in my graphs. That was the only data created in my graphs.

So if everything else checks out and you still aren't getting any data in your graphs, check the path statement in /etc/crontab.

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