I am still having problems with the new version of Thold. To get it to install, I had to comment out line 245:
Code: Select all
function thold_show_tab () {
global $config;
// if (api_user_realm_auth('graph_thold.php')) {
{print '<a href="' . $config['url_path'] . 'plugins/thold/graph_thold.php"><img src="' . $config['url_path'] . 'plugins/thold/images/tab_thold' . ((substr(basename($_SERVER["PHP_SELF"]),0,11) == "graph_thold") ? "_down": "") . '.gif" alt="thold" align="absmiddle" border="0"></a>';
thold_check_upgrade ();
With that line of code gone, it installed just fine. I then tried to create a new Thold template to watch the poller run time. Once i create that Thold, and then go back and apply it to the host that i have running Thold, it is not checking the correct data source.
These are the same problems that i had with the previous version.
All of the images of what is going on are posted in my previous topic. http://forums.cacti.net/viewtopic.php?t=22468
Can someone PLEASE help.
Thanks much