Not polling, SQL errros and 'No Mac Track Port Results'

Support questions about the MAC Track plugin

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Not polling, SQL errros and 'No Mac Track Port Results'

Post by Fyre2012 »

Hi there =)

I have the latest CactiEZ installation running with the included Mactrack plugin, but i've never seemed to be able to get it to do anything.

I have several devices created, but all of them show as 'error' for status at the mactrack_devices.php page.

The devices created are switches, 1 OpenBSD router / firewall. I have snmp polling interface data and others in the usual way, but the mactrack doesn't seem to notice them.
I fiddled around a bit, and noticed that when i created / modified the devices, it would truncate the last bunch of characters in the snmp community string.

So, my community string is a bit too long, and mactrack truncates everything after 20 characters.

The regular graphs get created no problem using the long snmp community string, it's only in mactrack that they are trunk'd.

So, I renamed my main router's community string to something smaller, and adjusted the main grapher to match and that's working fine (the main graph, not mactrack).

In the mactrack_devices.php page I show that device as being of 'status Unknown', which i find odd considering that when i edit the device i am given the standard snmp stuff in the top (System, Type, Hostname, ObjectID, etc...).

so, i check cacti.log and notice the following:

Code: Select all

# cat /var/log/cacti/cacti.log | grep mac_track
07/25/2007 12:04:43 PM - CMDPHP: Poller[0] ERROR: SQL Assoc Failed "SELECT  mac_track_sites.site_id,  mac_track_sites.site_name,  mac_track_ip_ranges.ip_range,  mac_track_ip_ranges.ips_max,  mac_track_ip_ranges.ips_current,  mac_track_ip_ranges.ips_max_date,  mac_track_ip_ranges.ips_current_date  FROM mac_track_ip_ranges  INNER JOIN mac_track_sites ON (mac_track_ip_ranges.site_id=mac_track_sites.site_id)   LIMIT 0,30"
07/25/2007 12:04:43 PM - CMDPHP: Poller[0] ERROR: SQL Cell Failed "SELECT  COUNT(mac_track_ip_ranges.ip_range)  FROM mac_track_ip_ranges  INNER JOIN mac_track_sites ON (mac_track_ip_ranges.site_id=mac_track_sites.site_id)  "

So i try running the poller manually...

# cd /var/www/html/cacti/plugins/mactrack/
# php -q poller_mackrack.php -f
No input file specified.

So, after all this, when i visit the mactrack display page, the only output i see is: "No Mac Track Port Results"

So, I'm a little stuck... any ideas?

Thanks =)
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