Arbitrary Interface Title Format?

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Kernel Panic
Posts: 12
Joined: Wed Feb 21, 2007 12:28 pm

Arbitrary Interface Title Format?

Post by Kernel Panic »

I am testing out Cacti as a possible network graphing tool for my employer. I have a mix of network equipment between Cisco, Juniper and Foundry.

I've set up two hosts, one Cisco and one Foundry, just to see how things would look.

When I use the Graph Template "Interface - Traffic (bits/sec)" for these two routers I get all sorts of different Titles in the graphs.

For example on Cisco routers this shows up as the Title under the Supplemental Graph Template Data:

|host_description| - Traffic - |query_ifName|

On a Foundry router I'm getting two different Title types under the Supplemental Graph Template Data:

|host_description| - Traffic - |query_ifIP| (|query_ifDescr|)
|host_description| - Traffic - |query_ifDescr|/|query_ifIndex|

I have the same problem with the graph template "Interface - Errors/Discards" as well.

So my questions are:
Why are there so many variations, even within the same router if I'm using the exact same graph template?

How do I fix/force it so that they ALL use one standard?
Kernel Panic
Posts: 12
Joined: Wed Feb 21, 2007 12:28 pm

Post by Kernel Panic »

Of course, not long after posting that I found it...

Console -> Data Queries -> SNMP - Interface Statistics -> In/Out Bits

It has a list of Suggest Values for both the Data Template and the Graph Template.

You can tinker with various formats or just cut it down to one to fit your preferred naming convention.
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