How to do Consolidation

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How to do Consolidation

Post by gg234 »


I am new with rrdtool and i want to show maximum value for daily and weekly for this i know i need to do consolidation on my rrd files.I have checked this howto i didn't understand anything may be i am not good at rrdtool can some one help me how to do exactly consolidation step by step.

Thanks for your help[/url]
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Re: How to do Consolidation

Post by gandalf »

gg234 wrote:can some one help me how to do exactly consolidation step by step.
Ok. I had the feeble impression, that my Walkthrough was step-by-step. But it seems that I have to face the fact, that your mileage varies :wink:
So let's have a go and wrap up all this stuff here. Please start with an easy example of some numbers that shall guide us through our efforts, e.g. a timeseries of data from your current rrdfile (get the using "rrdtool fetch <rrd file name> AVERAGE", but PLEASE use only some few numbers to save space).
Then, please describe what numbers you want to see as consolidation.

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Re: How to do Consolidation

Post by gg234 »

Thank you so much for your kind help here is the rrd tool output for the command you have provided

traffic_in traffic_out

1181635200: 6.5605365193e+02 4.8416592992e+02
1181635500: 4.8369787631e+02 4.1301416891e+03
1181635800: 1.0344270847e+03 5.5548946096e+03
1181636100: 1.2096197792e+03 4.7640101375e+03
1181636400: 1.3277066467e+03 4.6931383758e+03
1181636700: 4.3481459979e+02 9.9505859932e+02
1181637000: 8.7778510910e+02 1.9161530805e+03
1181637300: 7.2643786667e+02 1.9575388333e+03

I have copied small part as you suggested please kindly tell me what i have to do next to show maximum graphs

I want to see maximum value graph in my router intrface graph but currently default average graphs are there i want to plot maximum value graph also.

Thanks for your time

gandalf wrote:
gg234 wrote:can some one help me how to do exactly consolidation step by step.
Ok. I had the feeble impression, that my Walkthrough was step-by-step. But it seems that I have to face the fact, that your mileage varies :wink:
So let's have a go and wrap up all this stuff here. Please start with an easy example of some numbers that shall guide us through our efforts, e.g. a timeseries of data from your current rrdfile (get the using "rrdtool fetch <rrd file name> AVERAGE", but PLEASE use only some few numbers to save space).
Then, please describe what numbers you want to see as consolidation.

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Post by gandalf »

gg234 wrote:I have copied small part as you suggested please kindly tell me what i have to do next to show maximum graphs
Hooo, not that fast! If it was that easy, I'd tell you from the beginning!
I want to see maximum value graph in my router intrface graph but currently default average graphs are there i want to plot maximum value graph also.
Seeing the maximum always depends on the related timeframe, e.g.
- do you want to see the maximum of all data fitting into the currently displayed graph
- do you want to see the maximum of 1h or of 4h, of a day or of a week inpentandtly from the currently shown timespan?
- do you want to see the maximum as a legend item (aka: text based)
- do you need a HRULE (aka horizontal line representing the single maximum)
- do you want to see AVERAGEs (e.g. as AREAs, related to the question: what volume was transferred) _and_ the MAXima (e.g. as a line representing the max of each interval, please see attached image as an example)
Graph sows AVERAGEs (as AREA) _AND_<br />MAXimum (as darker lines) for both input and output
Graph sows AVERAGEs (as AREA) _AND_
MAXimum (as darker lines) for both input and output
Bildschirmfoto.png (56.76 KiB) Viewed 7950 times
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Post by gg234 »

thanks for your reply i want to see with the following one

- do you want to see AVERAGEs (e.g. as AREAs, related to the question: what volume was transferred) _and_ the MAXima (e.g. as a line representing the max of each interval, please see attached image as an example)

yes,this is what i am looking for

thank you
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Post by gandalf »

In this case, please import the following Graph Template (requires at least cacti 0.8.6i) and use it for a single graph to verify
Interface Traffic 95th Percentile Graph Template for import with cacti 0.8.6i
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Post by gg234 »

thanks for your reply i am using 0.8.6g version .I am sorry to be so dump.I will explain one more time

Currently my router interface graph poll every 5 min with average value and i also want to plot 5min maximum value this what i was looking

Thnaks for your help
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Post by gandalf »

Ok. And this is exactly, what the converted template does. Unfortunately, your cacti is quite backlevel. But it is no problem to change your current template to that one shown above.
Please decide:
- upgrade to latest cacti and apply the template
- keep the cacti level and change existing template manually (I will help you doing so)
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Post by gg234 »

thank you so much for your kind responses.

I want to use the existing cacti version and i need to change the template i am seeing this template is 95th percentile if that is the case it will plot avarage of 95th percentile or it will plot max value graph with area or line

thank you
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Post by gandalf »

There's no need to force you using the 95th template. You may as well use the standard bit/sec graph. Changes needed are quite the same, 95th percentile behaviour is not changed at all (this one should ALWAYS rely on AVERAGEs!).
Please decide: do you want to plot OUTBOUND in the way showing in the graph (to the neg. y-axis) or in the standard way?
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Post by gg234 »

I would prefer standard way
gandalf wrote:There's no need to force you using the 95th template. You may as well use the standard bit/sec graph. Changes needed are quite the same, 95th percentile behaviour is not changed at all (this one should ALWAYS rely on AVERAGEs!).
Please decide: do you want to plot OUTBOUND in the way showing in the graph (to the neg. y-axis) or in the standard way?
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Post by gandalf »

Please visit Graph Templates and select the Traffic Template you want to change. Add a new Graph Items using the parameters shown in the attached graph (this is for Traffic In). Move this item up to make it Item#5.
Then do the same using Traffic Out as data source. Select some other color (some deep blue). Make it Item#10.
That's it.
Please be aware, that adding a second line to this kind of graph will perhaps introduce problems understanding the graph. This is why I choose to switch traffic out to the negative y-axis, visualizing all AVERAGEs as AREAs and all MAXima as LINE1. If you want, this is achievable very easy in a second step.
The new Graph Item reflecting MAXima of traffic
The new Graph Item reflecting MAXima of traffic
MAX-In.png (37.01 KiB) Viewed 7854 times
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Post by gg234 »

thankyou so much for your kind help

yes exactly i am getting confused about the graph if i plot in standard way.

Please be aware, that adding a second line to this kind of graph will perhaps introduce problems understanding the graph. This is why I choose to switch traffic out to the negative y-axis, visualizing all AVERAGEs as AREAs and all MAXima as LINE1. If you want, this is achievable very easy in a second step.

How to plot in negative axis i know you have explaied in above step may be i didn't get you on this thanks for your kind help
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Post by gandalf »

Please create a new CDEF:
Name it e.g. "Make Stack negative, Bytes -> Bits"
enter data so it looks like cdef=CURRENT_DATA_SOURCE,-8,*

Apply this CDEF to everything that should show up on the negative y-axis (e.g. the Outbound AREA/AVERAGE and the Outbound LINE1/MAX)

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Post by gg234 »

thanks for your help throughout this thread great guy
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