Graph Differences between current and previous values

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Graph Differences between current and previous values

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I am trying to modify my interface errors graphs to display only the differences between the current and previous values. Has anyone done this before and if so can I get a general outline on how this was done? I appreciate any and all help.
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Post by rony »

Well, that is technically what the graph is already doing.

The errors value is a counter, so what the graph is showing your is the difference between the current and last value divided by the collection interval (5 minutes) to give you a value that represents errors/second.
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Wow thanks for posting so fast! I guess what I'm trying to do is prevent my graph line from displaying anything if there were no increases in errors between polls. So if I have 30 errors on an interface and five minute later there are no additional errors then I want the line graph value for that poll to be 0. If I gain an additional 30 errors then I want the line to sit at 30. If I can get it working I will probably modify my gprints as well and include a total to show the raw value.
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