No Data Source Select for Graph Items

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Post by Moonwick »

I am also having this problem -- every single graph that I have, which I go to edit it from Graph Management, has no options other than 'none' for available data sources. This also means that if we try to change any attribute at all on a graph, the graph no longer displays. Instead, we get the following error when I view the graph using graph debug mode:

ERROR: invalid rpn expression in: a,8,*

I can confirm that there's only one poller (cmd.php) running. I attempted to run cactid as advised in an earlier post, but I can't seem to get it to do anything but spit out an error, like so:

# ./cactid 7 7 7
ERROR: Invalid calling parameters. First row must be less than the second row
USAGE: <cactidpath>/cactid [-f=first_host -l=last_host -p=poller_id] | [-p=poller_id]

If anyone can suggest further steps to debug this, I'd greatly appreciate the help. I'm not sure if it matters, but I will mention that we've had this cacti installation for several years, so it's seen several migrations. At the moment, we are running the current version (0.8.6j).
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Post by gandalf »

The rpn stuff says:
YOur using a cdef that refers to a not-existing DEF statement. Your graph/graph template seems to be broken
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Post by Moonwick »

gandalf wrote:The rpn stuff says:
YOur using a cdef that refers to a not-existing DEF statement. Your graph/graph template seems to be broken
Exactly... my problem is that cacti has gotten itself into a state where any attempt to modify a graph leads to all of the data source dropdowns to contain nothing but "None". Therefore, any attempt to modify a graph causes it to be broken, with no way to go back in and set a legitimate data source.

What I'm hoping to determine is what's causing cacti to no longer properly populate the data source dropdowns when I attempt to edit a graph.

Thank you for your reply.
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Post by gandalf »

Did you already try to "Repair" cacti tables?
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Post by Moonwick »

gandalf wrote:Did you already try to "Repair" cacti tables?
If you mean a mysql repair, then yes, I have done a mysqlcheck against cacti's database; it reported no errors (all tables were "OK"). If there's an additional repair function within cacti that I'm not seeing (I've looked throughout the configuration & utilities menus within cacti) then I'd appreciate it if you could direct me to it.
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Post by jdr »

The problem with invalid expression is caused indeed by non-existent CDEF, but there is no broken tempate, only we cannot select any data source but "None". So it is not a problem itself, it's only result of another thing.
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Post by gandalf »

Splitted off of original thread
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