RRD's not being created - Not polling

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RRD's not being created - Not polling

Post by Colosus »

I created a new host using a template I built off an old host. I created the graphs, but for some reason the RRDs were not created. I turned on DEBUG level logging and saw that the new host isn't even being polled. Yet it shows in the poller cache.

I've tried searching, but maybe I'm not looking for the right thing. How do I check to make sure the host gets polled? If it's not in that location, how do I get it added? Thanks.
Posts: 13
Joined: Wed May 16, 2007 4:58 am

Post by Colosus »

I solved it. As an FYI for anyone else experiencing the issue... Cacti thought the host was down. I was doing an UDP Ping/SNMP check for host status. This server was not responding to UDP pings. I switched it to SNMP only and the host status changed and the poller started checking the server.
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