Exchange Database Size

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Exchange Database Size

Post by mcutting »

I put this graph together, as I had a need to monitor Exchange Database sizes

You need to share the MDBDATA directory on your Exchange server for this script to work.


1. Import both the data and graph templates included
2. Download the file EXSize.vbs.txt, rename to EXSize.vbs, and save to your SCRIPTS directory
3. Create your graph
4. Wait for a couple of poller runs, and check your data

NOTE: These templates were exported using 0.8.6j

EDIT - The original post was from the old bulletin boards, and was removed when this was upgraded. Enclosed is a file called, which contains the graph and data template. The vbs file has already been posted on page 3 of this topic.
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Last edited by mcutting on Thu Feb 17, 2011 7:48 am, edited 3 times in total.
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Post by apperrault »

This looks like a great script, I have a question for you though. I have two exchange servers to monitor, one of them has 4 databases, and one has 1. I would love to monitor both, but if i could at least get the one with the 4 DBs on it, that would be great. Should i be able to modify your and just add the names of my DBs, like Priv2, Priv3 etc as well as Priv2stm, Priv3stm? I can see in the vbs script what i would need to change, but would i need to change stuff in the XML files?


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Post by mcutting »

As it stands, you would need to add the databases manually to the script that was enclosed in the post. Have a look at what's already there, and add what you need.

I'm by no means a VB expert, so I coded it manually for one server (this is likely to change soon however, so I am keen to know if anyone else can suggest changes).

You would also need to change the data source and graph template to reflect your modifications.

Hope this helps...
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Post by tuscani »

Can the share be hidden? Does in matter if your databases are volume mount points?
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Post by mcutting »

Yes, the share can be hidden. You can do this with a $ sign after the share name. The script is not bothered, so long as the account your poller runs under has permissions to access the share.

The location of rhe databases does not matter either. Using a share makes it easier to find the databases, as the script does not have to parse a long path to get where it needs to go.
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Post by tuscani »

Cool. I will give this a shot.
I have two Exchange 2003 clusters maxxed out! 4 SGs and 5DBs per each. :)
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Post by mcutting »

Sounds like fun - let me know how the graph works for you.
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Post by tuscani »

Will do.

I am a super n00b though. I still have to setup Cacti which I am stumbling through now. :)
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Post by apperrault »

Hi all,
I think i am going to try and jump in head first on this script, and see if i can make it work for multiple servers, and multiple databases. Looking at this script and the XML pages, i think if i can build an interface similar to the initial setup of the Weatherbug setup, where after each installation, you are prompted for a location, and you would just give it the path to your exchange databases, and that would in turn populate the graphs, that should work. It will take some digging, and some time, but that is my plan.

I will try and work on this in my "spare time" :lol:

I will post what i get when i get it.

Any offers of assistance will be greatly appreciated.

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Post by mcutting »

Ok, after a bit of playing around, I have changed the EXSize.vbs script slightly so that it can now poll any Exchange server of your choice - there is no no need to hard code the server name
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Post by tuscani »

Cool, I will give it a shot.
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Post by mcutting »

Note to all - I have replaced all scripts and templates in the original post. You will need to reimport the templates again if you want to use the newer script.
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Post by apperrault »

Do i still need to edit the script for the location of the databases and STM files? What about the XML files?

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Post by mcutting »

Apperault - the script is now able to detect the machine name that you are attempting to graph, so there is no need to hard code this. To ensure that this works, run the script from the command line using

cscript /nologo exsize.vbs <hostname>

Don't forget that you need to share the MDBDATA directory (or wherever your edb and stm files reside).

I have not made any changes to the XML files - you will need to do this manually if you want to add more datasources and database files to monitor.

This is easily done if you look at how I structured the existing data sources and templates.
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Post by Dacob9906 »

When I tryh to use this script, it is giving me this error in the cacti log:

04/26/2007 02:25:08 PM - CACTID: Poller[0] Host[63] DS[1790] WARNING: Result from SCRIPT not valid. Partial Result: ...
04/26/2007 02:25:08 PM - CACTID: Poller[0] Host[63] ERROR: Empty result []: 'cscript /nologo C:/Inetpub/wwwroot/cacti/scripts/exsize.vbs'

I also get a syntax error trying to run it from the command line on the 8th line 138th character. Thanks!
Jacob Bergman
Pullman School District

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