Has anyone attempted to build a plug-in from WUP to cacti to pull graphs?
I have played some with guest but the user can see 'too much'.
Here's the scenario:
I have user A: who needs to be able to see graphs for everything cacti is polling from WUP. This can be accomplished by groups.
User b needs access only to group b.
User c can only see group c.
To keep things interesting WUP and cacti sit on two different machine.
We are using SOMIX for graphing today but would like to move to cacti. WUP could one day go away all together.
Whats Up Pro / Cacti integration
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Whats Up Pro / Cacti integration
Always swim upstream from the outhouse.
Thold will eventually have paging and custom alerting mechanisms. It will also have progress of alerts (first send email, if its still down after 10 minutes, page who ever is scheduled for on-call, then page .... etc...
Lots of other little things I'm drafting out to add already, time is just short.
Lots of other little things I'm drafting out to add already, time is just short.
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