RRDTOOL has syntax to change various colors on a graph. Is there a way that things like background color, grid color, font color, etc. can be changed via the existing interface on a per graph basis? I think I can hack a way to do it but your expertise in PHP may prove a more viable method of adding it to the web-interface.
While I hack away at it for now, do you have a definition of what each field in the "def_colors" table is representing?
<font size=-1>[ This Message was edited by: digger on 2002-03-10 10:20 ]</font>
Feature Request: Custome Colors
Moderators: Developers, Moderators
Any word on this? Is there somewhere were you define your default graph options or are you allowing RRD to use it's built in defaults? What I want to accomplish is to make the backgroud of each graph black and make all of the text/lines white or grey. Could I do this in the rrd_functions.php file perhaps?
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