I was wondering if it was possible for the monitor plugin to recognise an advanced ping host as down when it ceases to respond to IMCP?
Reason being is that we need to keep an eye on the status of some hosts that we do not have snmp access to. Basically hoping to completely replace WUG with monitor. I gave manage a go but non-snmp hosts (the advanced ping hosts) do not even show.
Currently, if I pull the plug on the test box it continues to show as "up" in Cacti and Monitor (presumably as it's not using SNMP at all), although the graphs for advanced ping show as red (not responding).
Any help would be great.
monitor plugin with advanced ping templates
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Re: monitor plugin with advanced ping templates
Not sure what your issue is, as we have several hosts that don't respond to SNMP, but still show down in Monitor when they are unpingable.
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