Newbie question on how to create a simple single graph

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Newbie question on how to create a simple single graph

Post by cpurn »

HI All,

Pardon my dumbness, have used Cacti for 1 day and 17 hours and my lack of understanding of XML does not help when I read the manual.

I have gone through the manual and have seen some great examples by 'LVM' (does this stand for LVM2 volumes on linux?) from scratch on how to create a graph. The example is great, starting from snmptable, snmpwalk etc and create the xml.

The xml above seems to be in a 'loop' like, you give the base and you 'iterate' through it. My problem is that I am trying to graph a few snmp oid of my Netapp filer, the value Im interested is such as CIFSRead, CIFSTotal, cifsTotalOps, cifsTotalCalls and so on. There are about 6 items in total that I would like to collect & graph.

Would someone be able to point me to the right direction? I'm giving up and going to bed now, will give it a try again tomorrow until I get this working.

Thanks in advance
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Post by BSOD2600 »

Moving to the script forum.

I suggest you use the cacti script server, like this example:
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