Solaris 10 Zoneing + CPU measurement with Cacti

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Solaris 10 Zoneing + CPU measurement with Cacti

Post by jolonghair »


has somebody try to measure CPU inside a Solaris 10 Zone with Cacti?

It looks like to start NET-SNMP inside a zone doesn't help because NET-SNMP shows only the whole cpu values of global zone and the configured zones.

We want to see only the cpu values of a single zone.


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Post by Ajunne »

Yes, it seems as though you are right. But I can live with this, since the CPUs are shared anyway. But I agree with you that it would be nicer to see the zone information only (you can always add the global zone to monitor everything).

However, I have a bigger issue: I can't seem to get any network interface data for the local zone. The global zone reports network information just fine, but since we have webservers running in different zones for different sites, we would like to have them separated. Anyone have some insights on this?
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Post by fmangeant »


have you tried Net-SNMP 5.4-rc 3 ?
[color=green]HOWTOs[/color] :
[list][*][url=]Install and configure the Net-SNMP agent for Unix[/url]
[*][url=]Install and configure the Net-SNMP agent for Windows[/url]
[*][url=]Graph multiple servers using an SNMP proxy[/url][/list]
[color=green]Templates[/color] :
[list][*][url=]Multiple CPU usage for Linux[/url]
[*][url=]Memory & swap usage for Unix[/url][/list][/size]
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Post by ccogdill »

According to Sun Net-SNMP 5.4 is not supported for Solaris 10 :-?

However, if you use a couple of scripts you should be able to get the information out of prstat -Z.
OS: Solaris 10 update 5
Apache 2.2.8
PHP 5.2.5
libxml 2.6.31
MySQL 5.0.51a
rrdtool 1.2.x
Cacti 0.8.7b (with settings 0.5 and thold 0.3.9
Spine 0.8.7a
Perl 5.10.0
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