I have a script which gets the total smtp in/out traffic from my mail servers. This is read into a 'COUNTER' data source then graphed.
Recently the mailstats were cleared and this caused cacti to report a huge value rather than the usual ~100 i expect per 5 minutes.
Having no method of clearing this one value meant I ended up scraping the rra file and starting again. Fortunately it only had around a day of data.
This itself is not a problem as I am under the impression i can use the 'mailstats -p' command which clears the stats on every request and store the data using the 'ABSOLUTE' data type. Is this correct?
The problem is, I want to graph the throughput of my web servers next.
These have a KB/s counter avilable which may be reset if the server needs restarting. I have no way of clearing these on each request.
Whats the correct way to store this information? I don't want to have to scrap months of data because the counter reset and caused a massive spike in the data.
Counters that may reset
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