Hi there, could someone possibly help I've tried searching the forum but to no provail.
My problem is that when I select a graph in preview view it returns the following error in my browser
The requested URL /<br /><b>Notice</b>: Undefined variable: config in <b>/var/www/html/lib/html.php</b> on line <b>148</b><br />graph.php was not found on this server.
I have tail -f my apache log and I get the following
PHP Notice: Undefined variable: config in /var/www/html/lib/html.php on line 151, referer:
PHP Notice: Undefined variable: config in /var/www/html/lib/html.php on line 148, referer:
[error] Files does not exist: /var/www/html/<br , referer: ... =0&filter=
line 148 is the following
<a href='<?php print $config['url_path'] ?>graph.php?rra_id=all&local_graph_id=<?php print $graph["local_graph_id"];?>'><img src='<?php print $config['url_path'] ?>graph_image.php?local_graph_id=<?php print $graph["local_graph_id"];?>&rra_id=0&graph_height=<?php print read_graph_config_option("default_height");?>&graph_width=<?php print read_graph_config_option("default_width");?>&graph_nolegend=true<?php print (($extra_url_args == "") ? "" : "&$extra_url_args");?>' border='0' alt='<?php print $graph["title_cache"];?>'></a>
and line 151 is
<a href='<?php print $config['url_path'] ?>graph.php?action=zoom&local_graph_id=<?php print $graph["local_graph_id"];?>&rra_id=0&<?php print $extra_url_args;?>'><img src='<?php print $config['url_path'] ?>images/graph_zoom.gif' border='0' alt='Zoom Graph' title='Zoom Graph' style='padding: 3px;'></a><br>
Any help is greatly appreciated
Error when clicking on preview graphs
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I managed to resolve this one..
incase anyone else has this issue, it seems when upgrading mactrack plugin 0.0.1b it prompted me to patch the html.php file and for some reason there needs to be the following on line 134
global $config;
once i did this all was well
whether this was my error I'm not sure but at least here's the answer
incase anyone else has this issue, it seems when upgrading mactrack plugin 0.0.1b it prompted me to patch the html.php file and for some reason there needs to be the following on line 134
global $config;
once i did this all was well
whether this was my error I'm not sure but at least here's the answer
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