Had a few interesting problems - some solved but one left!

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Had a few interesting problems - some solved but one left!

Post by mwickings »

Hi Guys,

I have put in a new installation of Cacti and got it graphing a far about of firewalls and routers. The first problem i came across was it seemed that Cacti would only work with templates/graphs that came with the install. I then managed to find that it was due to when importing other templates, it would also seem to miss out the OID settings from the "Data Templates". So i compaired opened the XLM's and got the OID's and put them in their manualy. But then i got thrown a red herring as it did not work, but it turned it it would have worked if it was not for a bug in the IOS of the PIX 7.0(2) that stopped counting uptime at 49days 17mins!! anyway an IOS upgrade later and a few other custom devices working using the method of importing the XML's from the forums, then manualy adding in the OID strings - i was getting closer to what i was hoping to build. However then things got a little more complicated! namely i looked at the voltage and envormental templates and the advanced memory/IO templates! I have managed to get the I/O templates working via the usal OID method, but the voltage and envormental is a bit differant.

This is where i get stuck, as i import the data from the XML and put the 2x data quiries into the snmp-quiries folder - but when i try to create graphs on the temprature (verbose queiry finds alot of sensors to graph) i do not get graphs, just missing image icons.

So i looked into the templates further and it looks like the problems seem to come back to the import process. As under "Data Queries" -> "edit: Cisco EnvMon Temperature" -> click on "Cisco EnvMon Temperature "

I then noticed that the two drop downs were just on the defualt value of "TempStatValue" with no tick in the boxes and no names or titles below.

So after setting the correct values, ticking the boxes and trying to get the right value's below, i then re-created the temprature graphs and i now get the graphs!!

I have attached a screen of the "corrected" values i tried

I guess my question is;- is there just a genral problem with importing in cacti-0.8.6h_p20060108-r2 or have i setup something wrong? as all imports apear not to work correctly (and there are no errors on the import screen!)

My sys spec is;
Gentoo 2006.0 (stage1 build)
and it back ends of to an SQL cluster running 4.1.21 (redhat AS 3.0)
Dell 2650
Xeon with HT 1800hz
1.5gb ECC Ram
poller.php =
08/08/2006 02:55:49 PM - SYSTEM STATS: Time:23.2643 Method:cmd.php Processes:10 Threads:N/A Hosts:26 HostsPerProcess:3 DataSources:1284 RRDsProcessed:664
screen of "fixed" data template
screen of "fixed" data template
cacti-cisco.JPG (94.66 KiB) Viewed 1294 times
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Post by gandalf »

Hmm, lately there was some stuff on importing. Don't remember all of this. Please check php-xml module is installed. Please check http://forums.cacti.net/viewtopic.php?p=68839#68839 as well
Last edited by gandalf on Thu Aug 10, 2006 2:07 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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Post by mwickings »

my php.ini file for apache has these settings;

Code: Select all

file_uploads = On

; Temporary directory for HTTP uploaded files (will use system default if not
; specified).
;upload_tmp_dir =

; Maximum allowed size for uploaded files.
upload_max_filesize = 20M
from a phpinfo on the webserver;

Code: Select all

XML Support  active  
XML Namespace Support  active  
libxml2 Version  2.6.26  

Code: Select all

libXML support  active  
libXML Version  2.6.26  
libXML streams  enabled  
and if i do a "emerge php -pv" to see what use falgs were used these are enabled

Code: Select all

[ebuild   R   ] dev-lang/php-5.1.4-r4  USE="apache2 berkdb cli crypt gdbm kerberos ldap mysql ncurses nls pcre readline reflection session snmp spell spl ssl truetype xml zlib"
Any ideas??
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Post by gandalf »

Please try

Code: Select all

upload_tmp_dir = /tmp
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Post by mwickings »


I tried that but still no luck, as a test i imported your "revisted" checkpoint template, ecerything said it was a success and the XML was int he right place and found, but if i go to - for example "Data Queries" -> "checkpoint firewall - fwiftable" -> then click on the "Checkpoint Firewall fwIfTable". All the associated data templates are all unticked and all have a value of "fwUnkn1 (Unknown 1)" - (yet if i click the drop down, there are lots there)

Also if i go to "Data Templates" and select any of the checkpoint templates, none of them have the OID info filled in!

Seems strange, as if i go through and manualy set them, it will then work?
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Post by gandalf »

This should not be necessary and personally, I do not have experience with this. You may of course test it. In the past, there were users reporting they had to import twice, but this was never reproduced and so not resolved.
Personally, I never had such problem with importing and this is not a common problem. Let me try importing this into my current test system ...
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Post by mwickings »

I have gone through and set all the fields to what they should be and it works fine - just can not figure out why the import does not do it for me!?
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