Questions on hrProcessorLoad

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Questions on hrProcessorLoad

Post by bomal »

Hi folks,

I've a problem with all my CPU Utilization figures. First of all my Cacti configuration is working fine (0.8.6h), but in my point of view CPU utilization graphs show much to high numbers on all my devices (computers, routers, etc). After looking into HOST-RESOURCES-MIB I found the following description for hrProcessorEntry:

"The average, over the last minute, of the percentage of time that this processor was not idle. Implementations may approximate this one minute smoothing period if necessary."

Since poller.php runs every five minutes now reading a value valid only for the last minute would for sure lead to wrong results, espcially as the SNMP query itself puts some load on the concernd system. I'm not very experienced w.r.t SNMP but this is my thinking now the question: Am I completely wrong? Is yes, please educate me, if not, how to solve the problem? Changing the poller interval does not make sense to me, but I don't not have an other idea as well.

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Post by BSOD2600 »

Yes, you are correct. Some devices (like Cisco) provide seperate snmp counters for 5 min cpu. In the long run it's ok though, because cacti is just taking a snapshot of the cpu usage every 5 minutes.
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