More Sample Graphs for Cacti

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More Sample Graphs for Cacti

Post by DavidM »

I have Cacti installed on a RH 7.2 server and would like to begin monitoring my printers, SQL Server connections, Server Up-times, Microsoft Terminal Services, etc.

I've noticed that Ian Berry's ... ction=tree includes printer monitoring, among other things...

1) Ian, can I have sample script, OIDs or whatever for how you're monitoring printers?

2) Should I use SNMP to get performance data from printer device or read it from NT -- or use both? What's recommended?

3) How can I monitor Server Up-time, etc? I see this is in the graph too.

Cacti is wonderful and I'm suprised that the download doesn't include more of the graphs that others have implemented.

Any help would be appreciated greatly.


Post by Guest »

You will need to use SNMP and poll the printers directly to produce the graphs you saw on that link. Those are coming from the standard mib2 printer OIDs. I don't know the specific OID off the top of my head, but I know I've seen the entry for # of jobs. Personally, I prefer page count as a metric--I've posted an example in this thread:

I hesitate to ask this, but do you have access to a Windows box? I have almost no Linux experience, but I have immersed myself in SNMP and WMI (Microsoft's answer to it, sort of) in the Windows world. You can pull an amazing amount of data from any number of devices using SNMP, but it takes some digging and some patience.

If you do have access to Windows, use "GetIf". It is a great mib browser, and it's a free download. Next, you will need the RFC mib files. You can get both from The guy that runs this site
provides some great resources.

Good luck,

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