Central managed Cacti database

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Central managed Cacti database

Post by doopz »


What I am trying to do is to have Cacti run on a central server (located at the core site) which contains all the device configuration details for the network (i.e core site and many remote sites).

When changes are made to the "central managed configuration database", the changes to any of the remote sites get pushed out to the remote cacti database.

The reason for this is to get cacti running on the core to poll the core network only and cacti running on the post sites to poll their local devices only. The remote sites are to then send back all rrd's to the core site for viewing graphs.

- A Cacti database located on the core network will house all configuration details for the entire network
- Core site is to poll the core network only
- Core site is to have configuration details of post sites devices but not poll them
- Post site will run Cacti polling devices in its LAN only
- Post site will NOT have configuration details of any other site except its own
- RRD files to be pushed to core network for graph veiwing

If i decide to change the SNMP string on a particular post site, I log into cacti running on the core network, do the update and then get a script (presumably) to update the changes to the posts local database.

I was wondering if anyone has tried to do this first of all?

Is there any detailed documentation of how cacti works internally or do I need to look through the scripts and db schema to find the info myself?

Can someone give me some directions/advice to how best to tackle this?

The rrd sync can be achieved using rsync. Getting the databases to sync is more challenging because I dont want to replicate the entire database on all remote sites.

Thanks for ur time and suggestions...
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Post by fmangeant »


Cacti 0.9 will support multiple pollers : http://forums.cacti.net/viewtopic.php?t=6002
Some of the features currently being developed for the next release are:
  • New Authentication system - Web Basic and expanded LDAP support
  • Multiple Pollers - support with expandability to multiple polling hosts
  • Themes - ability to change the look of cacti, per user
  • New Templates - new way of cacti handling templates and graphs, trust me it's good
  • Documentation - new improved documentation with walk troughs and examples
  • And a lot more!
[color=green]HOWTOs[/color] :
[list][*][url=http://forums.cacti.net/viewtopic.php?t=15353]Install and configure the Net-SNMP agent for Unix[/url]
[*][url=http://forums.cacti.net/viewtopic.php?t=26151]Install and configure the Net-SNMP agent for Windows[/url]
[*][url=http://forums.cacti.net/viewtopic.php?t=28175]Graph multiple servers using an SNMP proxy[/url][/list]
[color=green]Templates[/color] :
[list][*][url=http://forums.cacti.net/viewtopic.php?t=15412]Multiple CPU usage for Linux[/url]
[*][url=http://forums.cacti.net/viewtopic.php?p=125152]Memory & swap usage for Unix[/url][/list][/size]
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Post by doopz »

Thanks fmangeant! That will save me ALOT of time. Can't wait for it to come out officially in August.
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Post by rony »

Um.... Guess I should update that post...

August isn't going to happen. I would hope to be in Beta testing by then, but it is summer and we all have things todo.

I have decided to stop sounding like a sales man, because honestly I'm not. 0.9.0 will be done when it is done. I rather it be late and right then early and wrong.
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