export rra data to cvs or xls.

Anything that you think should be in Cacti.

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export rra data to cvs or xls.

Post by cactiuser0 »

The need to export the data for reporting or other pupose
is common. I'm suprise that it is not mentioned hear.

I guss rrdtool dump... can create cvs easily. Export to xls
spreasheet maybe more involved.
http://pear.php.net/package/Spreadsheet ... redirected

Can it be down?

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Post by rony »

There is already an addon for this, I thought.
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Post by cactiuser0 »

I checked the addon, my understanding is its a schedualed reports or
the like. That is also very much wanted features.

What I said was inline with zoom/properties. That is, when a person
is zooming a graph in details, there must be a need to export the same
graph data for the same reason why the graph got zommed in the
first place.

PS: Obviously, dump will not do the job. I was not thinking graph may
contains data in more than one rrd files. It looks like xport is our friend.

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