Do not update/parse the first output field from script !?

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Do not update/parse the first output field from script !?

Post by mestruc »

I have a script/command( that returns tree( could be four, five, six....) outputs but when I see the graph, the first one output never is updated.

The first output is never parsed.
I can check on the poller.php output.

I am using RH9 with cacti 0.8.6h.
If I am not wrong , what could be ?!
What is happen with the first output ?!
I attached a .doc with the procedure that I am doing.

I really appreciate a help.

Sorry about my english.
Thanks in advanced,
Estruc - Rio de Janeiro - Brasil.
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Post by gandalf »

Are you running the script from script server? Please post a screenshot of the script's definition
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Post by mestruc »

Actually I can use any kind of script/command from anywhere.
The problem persists.
In this example I am using a local script with tree simple outputs.

Sorry Lvm, I did not understand what you means like a screenshot of the script?s definition? Could you explain me what exactly you asked me for?

Thanks for your help.
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Post by gandalf »

I meant a screenshot from the Data Input Method that will define this script to cacti
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Post by mestruc »

It is in the attached file at step1.
That is exactly what I am doing.

I can switch this script for any other one that the problem persists.
Eg.: If I have a nine outputs, the first one never parsed !!!

I am really appreciating your help.

Thanks a lot,
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Post by gandalf »

AFAIK, you'll have to explicitely give the command processor needed for the script. E.g.

Code: Select all

/usr/bin/sh <your shell script>

Code: Select all

/usr/bin/perl <your perl script
and the like.
I'm missing some lines from cacti log as well. Please check while running in DEBUG mode (Settings->Logging Level) and reset to normal afterwards
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Post by mestruc »

This is a cacti.log output in a range of a poller.
You can see that I created my script to generate a duplicate of the first one output in a second one. I did it to catch an output from the second one and bypass the problem, so I can have a graphic.

Unfortunately, the first one output still not parsing.

04/27/2006 11:25:00 AM - CMDPHP: Poller[0] DEBUG: SQL Cell: "select count(*) from poller_item"
04/27/2006 11:25:00 AM - CMDPHP: Poller[0] DEBUG: SQL Assoc: "select id from host where disabled = '' order by id"
04/27/2006 11:25:00 AM - CMDPHP: Poller[0] DEBUG: SQL Exec: "replace into settings (name,value) values ('path_webroot','/www/htdocs/cacti')"
04/27/2006 11:25:00 AM - CMDPHP: Poller[0] DEBUG: SQL Exec: "truncate table poller_time"
04/27/2006 11:25:00 AM - POLLER: Poller[0] DEBUG: About to Spawn a Remote Process [CMD: /www/php/bin/php, ARGS: -q /www/htdocs/cacti/cmd.php 0 6]
04/27/2006 11:25:00 AM - CMDPHP: Poller[0] DEBUG: SQL Assoc: "select * from host where (disabled = '' and id >= 0 and id <= 6) ORDER by id"
04/27/2006 11:25:00 AM - CMDPHP: Poller[0] DEBUG: SQL Assoc: "SELECT * from poller_item WHERE (host_id >= 0 and host_id <= 6) ORDER by host_id"
04/27/2006 11:25:00 AM - CMDPHP: Poller[0] DEBUG: SQL Cell: "SELECT count(*) from poller_item WHERE (action=2 AND (host_id >= 0 and host_id <= 6))"
04/27/2006 11:25:01 AM - CMDPHP: Poller[0] Host[6] SNMP: Host responded to SNMP
04/27/2006 11:25:01 AM - CMDPHP: Poller[0] DEBUG: SQL Exec: "update host set status = '3', status_event_count = '0', status_fail_date = '0000-00-00 00:00:00', status_rec_date = '0000-00-00 00:00:00', status_last_error = '', min_time = '9.99999', max_time = '372.25000', cur_time = '230.16', avg_time = '290.98333333333', total_polls = '3', failed_polls = '0', availability = '100' where hostname = ''"
04/27/2006 11:25:01 AM - CMDPHP: Poller[0] DEBUG: SQL Assoc: "select poller_reindex.data_query_id, poller_reindex.action, poller_reindex.op, poller_reindex.assert_value, poller_reindex.arg1 from poller_reindex where poller_reindex.host_id=6"
04/27/2006 11:25:01 AM - CMDPHP: Poller[0] DEBUG: SQL Exec: "replace into settings (name,value) values ('date',NOW())"
04/27/2006 11:25:01 AM - CMDPHP: Poller[0] DEBUG: SQL Assoc: "select poller_id,end_time from poller_time where poller_id = 0"
04/27/2006 11:25:01 AM - CMDPHP: Poller[0] DEBUG: SQL Assoc: "select poller_output.output, poller_output.time, poller_output.local_data_id, poller_item.rrd_path, poller_item.rrd_name, poller_item.rrd_num from (poller_output,poller_item) where (poller_output.local_data_id=poller_item.local_data_id and poller_output.rrd_name=poller_item.rrd_name)"
04/27/2006 11:25:02 AM - CMDPHP: Poller[0] DEBUG: SQL Assoc: "select poller_id,end_time from poller_time where poller_id = 0"
04/27/2006 11:25:02 AM - CMDPHP: Poller[0] DEBUG: SQL Assoc: "select poller_output.output, poller_output.time, poller_output.local_data_id, poller_item.rrd_path, poller_item.rrd_name, poller_item.rrd_num from (poller_output,poller_item) where (poller_output.local_data_id=poller_item.local_data_id and poller_output.rrd_name=poller_item.rrd_name)"
04/27/2006 11:25:03 AM - CMDPHP: Poller[0] DEBUG: SQL Assoc: "select poller_id,end_time from poller_time where poller_id = 0"
04/27/2006 11:25:03 AM - CMDPHP: Poller[0] DEBUG: SQL Assoc: "select poller_output.output, poller_output.time, poller_output.local_data_id, poller_item.rrd_path, poller_item.rrd_name, poller_item.rrd_num from (poller_output,poller_item) where (poller_output.local_data_id=poller_item.local_data_id and poller_output.rrd_name=poller_item.rrd_name)"
04/27/2006 11:25:04 AM - CMDPHP: Poller[0] Host[6] DS[12] CMD: /www/htdocs/cacti/scripts/, output: output1:522224 output2:522224 output3:467008 output4:1395220 output5:11400004/27/2006 11:25:04 AM - CMDPHP: Poller[0] DEBUG: SQL Exec: "insert into poller_output (local_data_id,rrd_name,time,output) values (12,'','2006-04-27 11:25:00','output1:522224 output2:522224 output3:467008 output4:1395220 output5:114000')"
04/27/2006 11:25:04 AM - CMDPHP: Poller[0] Time: 3.2131 s, Theads: N/A, Hosts: 1
04/27/2006 11:25:04 AM - CMDPHP: Poller[0] DEBUG: SQL Exec: "insert into poller_time (poller_id, start_time, end_time) values (0, NOW(), NOW())"
04/27/2006 11:25:04 AM - CMDPHP: Poller[0] DEBUG: SQL Assoc: "select poller_id,end_time from poller_time where poller_id = 0"
04/27/2006 11:25:04 AM - CMDPHP: Poller[0] DEBUG: SQL Assoc: "select poller_output.output, poller_output.time, poller_output.local_data_id, poller_item.rrd_path, poller_item.rrd_name, poller_item.rrd_num from (poller_output,poller_item) where (poller_output.local_data_id=poller_item.local_data_id and poller_output.rrd_name=poller_item.rrd_name)"
04/27/2006 11:25:04 AM - CMDPHP: Poller[0] DEBUG: SQL Assoc: "select data_template_rrd.data_source_name, data_input_fields.data_name from (data_template_rrd,data_input_fields) where and data_template_rrd.local_data_id=12"
04/27/2006 11:25:04 AM - POLLER: Poller[0] Parsed MULTI output field 'output2:522224' [map output2->output2]
04/27/2006 11:25:04 AM - POLLER: Poller[0] Parsed MULTI output field 'output3:467008' [map output3->output3]
04/27/2006 11:25:04 AM - POLLER: Poller[0] Parsed MULTI output field 'output4:1395220' [map output4->output4]
04/27/2006 11:25:04 AM - POLLER: Poller[0] Parsed MULTI output field 'output5:114000' [map output5->output5]

04/27/2006 11:25:04 AM - CMDPHP: Poller[0] DEBUG: SQL Exec: "delete from poller_output where local_data_id='12' and rrd_name='' and time='2006-04-27 11:25:00'"
04/27/2006 11:25:04 AM - POLLER: Poller[0] CACTI2RRD: /usr/bin/rrdtool update /www/htdocs/cacti/rra/estruc_output5_12.rrd --template output2:output3:output4:output5 1146147900:522224:467008:1395220:114000
04/27/2006 11:25:04 AM - SYSTEM STATS: Time:4.1562 Method:cmd.php Processes:1 Threads:N/A Hosts:2 HostsPerProcess:2 DataSources:1 RRDsProcessed:1
04/27/2006 11:25:04 AM - CMDPHP: Poller[0] DEBUG: SQL Exec: "replace into settings (name,value) values ('stats_poller','Time:4.1562 Method:cmd.php Processes:1 Threads:N/A Hosts:2 HostsPerProcess:2 DataSources:1 RRDsProcessed:1')"
04/27/2006 11:25:04 AM - CMDPHP: Poller[0] DEBUG: SQL Exec: "truncate table poller_output"
04/27/2006 11:25:04 AM - CMDPHP: Poller[0] DEBUG: SQL Cell: "select count(*) from poller_command"

Thanks for a help.
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Post by gandalf »

The script's output is ok. But the mapping is wrong, so the rrdtool update fails. Please post a bug referring to this post at
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Post by mestruc »

Thanks a lot.
I will do it.

Best regards,
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