95th Percentile Stuff

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95th Percentile Stuff

Post by raX »

Enough people have requested and begged for 95th percentile stuff 0.8, that I just cannot say no :) I am thinking about implimenting this by adding two variables for use in the 'text format' and 'value' fields:

- 95th Percentile of Current Data Source (on the graph)
- 95th Percentile of All Data Sources (on the graph)

In reality you would enter something like: <95_PERCENT_DS_BITS> (95th percentile for the current data source in bits). I also might tack on bandwidth summation as it would be very similar implimentation-wise.

Let me know if you guys have any thoughts on implimentation details here.

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re: 95th Percentile Stuff

Post by schittel »

Hi raX,

I have seen percentile support built into rrdtool in the latest beta snapshot.
I suggest you have a look at this first.

--- Christoph
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95th percentile

Post by sayasif »

Hello Rax,

I have also read bout 95th percentile being put in the the latest RRD tool,, and its great that ur gonna implement it .. coming back to the summarization feature that you are gonna add , would it be something like u get the bandwidth usage summary in a calculated tabular format wherein u get to know the monthly bandwidht consumption?




Post by GLA »


I've installed the last cacti 0.8 release. Is there any solution to make the 95th percentile ?

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Post by raX »

Sorry, not at the moment. I have posponed this feature until 0.8.1. I want to worry about releasing 0.8 and I will add all sorts of goodies after that :-)

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