Could THold go the BB way?

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Could THold go the BB way?

Post by TomekN »

First of all mind I already use Thold ;)
I love it, it does a lot of job, but not all.
I like the BB red/gren grid idea:

Here's my idea for a brand new plugin (or percheps thold extension?)

1. Lets say I have 5 servers with hardware raid

2. Each of them has net-snmp packege extended with a custom bash script, that checks if raid is OK or not.

3. OK? -> . = 0
BAD? -> . = 1

4. Cacti pools . each 5 minuts and displays a grid

Code: Select all

server-id | raid | some other features
server1   | (O)  | (O) | (O) |
server2   | (O)  | (O) | (O) |
server3   | (O)  | (O) | (O) |
server4   | (O)  | (O) | (O) |
server5   | (O)  | (O) | (O) |
where (O) - is a green or red bullet depending on .50 oid value.

5. Cacti would somehow store status history of each sensor
and would be able to display it that way: ... ENTRIES=50

6. Cactli would mail me if any of sensors goes beyond/below particular
value - in the same way thold does.

7. Points 2-3 could be probably extended to some custom bash/perl scripts.

Probably Thold could handle most of that but:
- AFAIK it controls only values that are graphed and there's no point in drawing 0/1 sensors
- Thold shows green/red but not in the grid manner bb does (servers x features)

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Post by cigamit »

I could see a new plugin being developed to do this, but Thold itself would have to be completely modified to do what you want, which would get rid of most of its original purpose.
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