CPU Graph Problems

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CPU Graph Problems

Post by macindy »

Hi forum!

I doesn't understand why Cacti doesn't calculate the Total right.
I am monitoring a Dual Xeon (with HT on) - so I made a new template with cdefs divided/4. The following graph is resulting.
Sometime it works, but also some time it doesn't work.

What can I do? Thank you
graph_image.php.png (47.68 KiB) Viewed 1695 times
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Post by gandalf »

It seems that you may have two problems:
- sometimes, the user cpu values are missing
- the total issue you already talked about
For the first one, please describe how you are gathering the data.
For the second one, please click on the graph to select the wrench next to one and post the whole rrdtool graph statement that comes up
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Joined: Sat Feb 11, 2006 11:50 am

Post by macindy »

The issue is solved.

The problem was that the max value was 100 (100%), but I have a 4 processor machine (Dual Xeon with HT on).

So I created a new CDEF (divided / 4) and all works fine ;)
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